The CRM Roster allows you to make use of the CRM functions, such as Mailing Lists, Email Campaigns and Logs, with your existing Enquiries, Applicants and Students.
Click the CRM Roster roster on the left panel, to access the following functions
- Click to Filter applicants, according to Grade, Status, and so on, along with CRM criteria such as Log Indicator, Source Campaign, Mailing list or Email Campaign
- Select applicants and use Send Messages to manually send a new message or template to those contacts. Messages can be created with the Simple Editor or Advanced Editor
- Select applicants, click Manage Mailing List and then choose a mailing list, to manually subscribe or unsubscribe those applicants to that mailing list
- Select applicants, click Manage Email Campaigns and then choose an Email Campaign, to manually subscribe or unsubscribe those applicants to that Email campaign
- Select applicants and use Create a Log to log an activity for that applicants, such as a call or meeting. You can then record the date, outcome, staff member, and add notes to that log
CRM Functions on Applicant Profile
Click on an applicant name to view the Applicant Profile, where you can view the Indicator Log, to see any activities that have been logged or to create a new log.
You can also scroll to the bottom of the page, to view the Latest Activity for that contact.