Viewing & Filtering Applicants

  • Where to Find New Applicants

    There are three main ways to find new applicants: Daily Digest Latest Activity Applicants Roster Daily Digest The Daily Digest is an emai...

  • Adding columns to the roster & Sorting columns

    Adding Columns to the Roster Navigate to one of the rosters on the left hand side: Enquiries, Applicants, Students, Families, or Alumni. Cl...

  • Viewing your Applicant Pool

    Reviewing your Applicant Pool Click on Inquiries, Applicants, Students, or Alumni on the lefthand navigation panel. This tutorial will use ...

  • Save Filter Settings

    Select Your Tab Please begin by selecting which category tab on the left hand side of the dashboard you wish to filter by. For this example...

  • Adding Columns to the Roster & Sorting Columns

    Adding Columns to the Roster Navigate to one of the rosters on the left hand side: Enquiries, Applicants, Students, Families, or Alumni. Cl...

  • Bulk Editing via the Roster

    Information can be edited in bulk via the Enquiries, Applicants, Students, and Alumni Rosters, found in the left hand navigation bar. Fields...

  • Filtering and Bulk Editing Custom Fields

    In OpenApply you can filter by standard options, such as grade, status, gender., etc. as well as filter for custom fields. This allows filte...

  • Utilising Representatives

    Assign Representatives Assign any OpenApply user to be a representative for an applicant, to monitor that applicant's activity more closely...

  • Filtering and Bulk Editing Event Attendance

    In OpenApply you can filter to find applicants who have registered for an event (or range of events). Navigate to the Applicants, Enquiries...