Save Filter Settings

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

Select Your Tab

Please begin by selecting which category tab on the left hand side of the dashboard you wish to filter by. For this example we will use Applicants, but saving the filter is the same for the different types of categories on your dashboard.  From the chosen tab, select the Filter button on the top right to create your filter.


Filtering Results

After selecting the Filter button, choose the applicable fields from the list in order to filter for the desired data. Once completed, select Save Filter Settings to save your current filter.


Filter Name and Save Filter

From the Save Filter Settings button, the dropdown box provides the option to enter a filter name. After labeling the filter, select Save.


New Saved Filter

Once your filter is saved, it will appear on the left hand side under the Alumni tab. All saved filters will populate here for easy access.



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