Viewing your Applicant Dashboard

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated


After logging in, you will be directed to the Dashboard.

The Dashboard shows key metrics of the admissions season, including inquiries, applications, and latest activity. From here, you can navigate to individual students, analytics, re-enrolment, or payment information.

Your admissions calendar is also visible on the right, displaying tours, open days, and interviews.


Assign tasks directly on the Dashboard for your admissions team. View completed and pending tasks to ensure followup is happening smoothly across the team.

Quick Start

From the Dashboard, you can also directly add a new Inquiry, schedule a Tour, or RSVP for an Open Day. This is an easy and fast way to take down information from walk-in prospects or families that call on the phone.

Latest Activity

Under the Latest Activity, you will  see a summary of Admissions activity. This feed will indicate:

  • New applicants, who have recently applied
  • Changes in Admissions Status (e.g. Students who are admitted)
  • Notes from Interviews or Internal Notes between Admissions Staff
  • Updates to Applicant Profiles (e.g. Family updating their address, Transcript upload)
  • Applicant review notifications

We show all information by default, but have included a Filter dropdown that allows administrators to view specific types of information or changes on their account (e.g. Student Message, Comment, Status Change).

This information is also e-mailed every 24 hours to users who have the Daily Digest enabled.


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