Editing & Re-Sending Recommendation Requests

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

A parent may enter incorrect recipient details for a recommendation request, or a recipient may contact you directly if they are having difficulty completing an OpenApply questionnaire (recommendation / reference). In this case, it can be necessary to edit the recipient details or to re-send the request.

Editing Recipient Details

Navigate to the Applicant Profile. Click the Pencil icon to edit the applicant.


  1. On the right panel, click on the name of the questionnaire/recommendation form to edit
  2. Check and update the teacher details to whom the request will be sent
  3. Ensure Send Email is selected
  4. Save Changes
  5. Click the applicant's name to exit edit mode and return to the applicant profile


Re-Sending a Recommendation Request

Navigate to the Applicant Profile. Click More, then click on the name of the recommendation form. 

If the questionnaire/recommendation request was previously sent to the recipient, you can see who the request was sent to and when it was last sent. Click Send Again to re-send the request.


If the request was not previously sent to the recipient, click Send Now to send the request.



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