A parent may enter incorrect recipient details for a recommendation request, or a recipient may contact you directly if they are having difficulty completing an OpenApply questionnaire (recommendation / reference). In this case, it can be necessary to edit the recipient details or to re-send the request.
Editing Recipient Details
Navigate to the Applicant Profile. Click the Pencil icon to edit the applicant.
- On the right panel, click on the name of the questionnaire/recommendation form to edit
- Check and update the teacher details to whom the request will be sent
- Ensure Send Email is selected
- Save Changes
- Click the applicant's name to exit edit mode and return to the applicant profile
Re-Sending a Recommendation Request
If the questionnaire/recommendation request was previously sent to the recipient, you can see who the request was sent to and when it was last sent. Click Send Again to re-send the request.
If the request was not previously sent to the recipient, click Send Now to send the request.