Assigning Student and Parent ID Numbers

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

In OpenApply, students have an two types of ID number, an Applicant ID and Student ID, which are found on the top right corner of the Applicant Profile.

Applicant ID is assigned automatically by OpenApply to all applicants, and cannot be changed.

Student ID is entered manually by admin, and can be used to help match students to their IDs from your Student Information System, for example.

Parent ID numbers can also be manuually assigned to each parent, and are found by clicking on the parent's name on the right panel of the Applicant Profile.

Manually Assigning a Student ID Number

To manually assign a Student ID number, navigate to the Applicant Profile. Click on the Key icon on the top right corner to edit the Student ID number. Then click the Save button.

Manually Assigning a Parent ID Number

To manually assign a Parent ID number navigate to the Applicant Profile. Click on the Pencil icon to edit the parent information.

You can edit the Parent ID in the Parent ID field. When you are done click the Save Changes button.


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