Adding and Replying to an Internal Note

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

Add an Internal Note

In OpenApply, you can add an Internal Note to the Applicant Profile for internal communications, to keep track of verbal communication, or to reference information in the future.

Navigate to the Applicant Profile and click on the Notes tab. If you want to notify colleagues of the note by email, select their name(s) from the dropdown menu under Cc:. If you don't select a name, then the note will be recorded on the account, but no one will be notified by email. 

Enter your text in the box. If needed, click Attach File to attach an internal file to this note. Please make sure the radio button for Mark this as an internal note is selected and then click Add Note.

View Internal Notes

Under Latest Activity, select Comment from the dropdown menu next to Filter. All notes will display below including both internal and external ones.

Responding to Internal Notes

Hover your mouse over the note and you will be able to see three icons under the timestamp. Click on the Arrow icon to reply.

Select if you would like to Cc: a colleague, add your text, and click Reply to send your response. 


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