Bulk Create Student Emails for Synchronisation to ManageBac

Mandy Tung
Mandy Tung
  • Updated

If your school has synchronisation enabled between OpenApply and ManageBac, it is possible to enter e-mail addresses in bulk for any students without an e-mail address, so that the student will synchronise from OpenApply to ManageBac, and their ManageBac account will be automatically created.

Navigate to the Students page, and click Bulk Create E-mails

A list of students who are marked as enrolled, but who do not have a student e-mail address, will be displayed

For the students that you would like to enter e-mail addresses for, so that they will synchronise to ManageBac, check the box for 'Edit Email', and enter a valid email address for the student. Then click 'Update' to save the changes. For newly enrolled students, ManageBac accounts will be automatically created afterwards.

Confirmation will be shown that the e-mail addresses have been updated. If no students are shown in the list, then there are no remaining enrolled students without email addresses.


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