Via the Applicant Roster
Click on Applicants on the lefthand navigation panel. In the Review Status column, an empty entry means the applicant is not enabled for review, an empty circle means they are already enabled for review, and a checkmark means the review is complete.
To enable or disable applicants for review, select the desired applicants and click the Review On/Off button at the top of the roster. Please note that only applicants with Applied status can be reviewed. Use the Filter to help filter for the desired applicants before making your selection. For more information about creating and saving filters, please go to Save Filter Settings.
Via the Applicant Profile
At the top, righthand side of the applicant profile select the Review Icon > Start Review Process to assign reviewers to the applicant and start the review process.
Select the desired reviewers and put them in the correct order from left to right if you have Review in Sequence enabled. Click Confirm when you are done.
The Latest Activity on the Applicant Profile and Admin Dashboard will show when and by whom the student was enabled for review.
After enabling an applicant for review, under the Review Icon you can also select to:
1. Review Applicant, to review the applicant, if you are a reviewer for that applicant, or view any reviews
2. Resend Review Notification, to resend the notification to the pending reviewer.
3. Change Reviewers, to edit the list of reviewers for that applicant
4. Add New Review Set, to start a new review process. For example, if an applicant re-applies and needs to be reviewed again