Setting Up Review Mode

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

Enabling Review Mode

Navigate to Settings > Admissions > Review Mode, to enable review mode.  Tick the checkbox to Enable Application Review Mode.

Creating and Editing Rubrics

Rubrics are internal forms that reviewers can complete to leave comments or feedback about the applicant. Click the +Add Rubric button under the Rubrics section to create a new rubric. The checkboxes on the right side can be used to enable or disable existing rubrics. Click Save Changes when done.

Rubrics can be customised by campus or by programme and can include fields for any type of information you’d like to collect. We do not recommend enabling more than one rubric for any one programme or campus. For more information on editing rubrics click here.

Reviewer Settings

1. Click on Reviewer Settings to add reviewers and select your preferences.

2. Check the Notify Reviewers checkbox to allow reviewers to receive an email notification when an applicant is ready for their review. The notification email includes a link directly to the review interface for easy access.

3. When the Review in Sequence checkbox is ticked then reviewers must review applicants in a set order. Each reviewer cannot start their review until the previous reviewer has submitted their review. If you have no preference for the order that reviewers complete their reviews, then leave the box unchecked.

Adding and Editing Reviewers

1. Click the +Add Reviewer button to add a reviewer.  

2. Anyone in the Staff Directory can be selected, regardless of their permission settings.  To add a staff member to your Staff Directory go to Creating your Staff Directory and Managing Users.

3. Next decide which Content Types, Review Admin permissions, Programmes, and Campuses each reviewer should review.

4. If you are using the Review in Sequence option, be sure to set the correct order for your reviewers.  Drag and drop to change the order of reviewers. The sequence will start from the top.

5. To remove someone as a reviewer, click on the trash can to the right of the user's name.  You will be prompted to decide if you want to remove the reviewer but allow them to finish their pending reviews or remove both the reviewer and their pending reviews.  Select the correct option and click Confirm.

6. After making any changes to Reviewer Settings, click on Save Changes


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