Checking & Testing

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

Before going live, it is important to check your settings and submit test applications.

This helps to ensure that your settings are correct, that everything is configured as required, and it will also help to familiarise you with the parent experience, so that you can assist any parents that may have questions.

The three most important things to check before going live are those things which are visible are to parents:

  1. Forms
  2. Checklist
  3. Automatic Email Notifications


Ensure you submit a test application for each of your application forms. We also recommend to test any other forms that you may be using, such as registration of interest, questionnaires or supplementary forms. Colleagues or parents can also test forms and provide additional feedback. Edit the forms as needed, or contact for assistance.

The forms can be edited at Settings > Forms. You can find further tutorials on form and field editing at the following links:

Editing Form Layout and Text

Adding & Editing Fields on Forms

Conditional Fields



Submit a test application for each of your programmes. Using your test parent account, check that the checklist appears as required at each stage of the application process.

The checklist settings can be customised at Settings > Admissions > Checklist

Further information can be found in the tutorial Configuring Your Checklist


Automatic Email Notifications

When submitting test applications, we recommend using an email other than your OpenApply login for the test parent account. Ensure that the automatic emails received by the parents are correct, and that they inform parents of any next steps that are required.

The automatic email notifications can be customised at Settings > Admissions > Status & Notification

Further information can be found here for Customising Automated E-mail Messages


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