Going Live

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated

We recommend selecting a go-live date for your admissions office, at which point families will start applying to your school through OpenApply, and all application data is housed on OpenApply from that point forward.

There are four main ways that you can 'go-live' and link from your main school webiste to your OpenApply website, depending on your preference.

OpenApply Button

You can also choose to embed a button on your school website. The code is available under Settings > School Settings > Themes & Buttons


Embedding Forms

Application forms, enquiry form and the tour form can also be embedded into your school website, so that parents can fill out these forms while remaining within your school website.

You can find the code to embed forms by navigating to Settings > Forms and clicking on the name of the form that you want to embed. Scroll to the bottom of the form, and there will be options to embed the form directly, embed the form as a pop-up in another window, or embed different buttons.

Copy and paste the code that you want to use, and insert it into your website to embed the form or button. 

Please contact support@openapply.com if you would like any assistance with this.


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