Customise Your Account

  • Configuring how Nationalities are Displayed

    Student and Parent Nationalities can be displayed as either Country or Nationality (e.g. Thailand or Thai).  A student's Nationality is det...

  • Configuring Your Admissions Preferences

    Types of Admissions Settings Navigate to Settings > Admissions in order to adjust settings relating to the admissions process for your sch...

  • Customizing your Logo, Layout & Colours

    Via Settings > General, Logo & Themes Under the Settings > General, Logo & Themes, you can upload and configure your: General settings (e...

  • Configuring your School Settings

    School Information Tab Under School Information, set your school’s information, including address, time zone, and phone number. Enable Ama...

  • Publishing Pages

      Pages Pages are public pages of information that families can browse. You can add an unlimited number of pages and these will appear on th...

  • Adding and Editing Campuses

    Adding a New Campus Navigate to Settings > School Settings > Campuses and click the Add Campus button. Fill in your new campus' details, a...

  • Parent Interface Language Overview

    Schools can enable a second user interface language, which parents can choose to use when completing forms or when logged into their parent ...