Configuring Your Admissions Preferences

Pritpal Singh
Pritpal Singh
  • Updated


You can easily enable or disable programmes (e.g. if you are a primary school only) using the checkboxes. The capacity levels indicate the maximum number of enrolled students in the grade and are used on the Analytics tab to allow for monitoring of enrolment in real-time. The year labels under Programmes populate the Grade dropdown on the Form Editor.

You can find more detailed information on configuring settings for Programmes by clicking here.



On the Campuses tab, you can edit your existing campus details or add another. You can optionally filter applications by campus, so it is important to configure this option prior to accepting applications on OpenApply. You can also indicate whether to show the campus address on your home page or to make the campus available for school tours.

The campuses indicated here are the ones that populate the form. If there is only one campus, the field will be hidden from public view.

You can find more detailed information on configuring settings for Campuses by clicking here.


Status Levels

On the Status & Notification tab, you can customise your admissions status levels and edit the automated e-mail messages that are sent to Applicants & Families. Click on a status (e.g. Pending) to see and set your options.


Edit the status title and enable automated e-mails to applicants and parents. You also have the option of setting a Publish Date. This will release the e-mails and publish the status on that date, at 8am local time.

You can find more detailed information on configuring settings for Statuses by clicking here.



Under the Events tab, you can enable events dates & times, which will allow Applicants & Families to schedule tours and open events directly online. Scheduling a Tour or Open Day can be required as part of an application checklist.

You can find more detailed information on configuring settings for Events by clicking here.



Applicant checklists allow you to customise your application process on OpenApply. These checklists are visible to Applicants & Families following registration and are organised by programme (e.g. Primary, Middle or Secondary).

When creating an applicant checklist, you can define tasks around different types of requirements:

1. To Dos allow you to easily specify tasks.

2. Document Submission allows you to collect documents, which parents can upload online, like School Reports or Transcripts.

3. Forms allow you to have the applicant complete one of your required application or supplementary forms.

4. Tours allow you to guide parents and applicants to schedule a tour.

5. Open Days allow you to guide parents and applicants to attend an Open House day.

6. Interviews allow you to schedule interview dates & times with parents and applicants.

If your school runs multiple programmes, you can copy checklist items over from a different programme.

Please note you can only create one Tour and one Open Day checklist item per programme.

You can find more detailed information on configuring your Checklist settings by clicking here.



Under the Re-enrolment tab, you can enable re-enrolment and set a fixed deadline date, which will allow parents to confirm their enrolment for the following academic year.


Task Types

Set your task types for easy management of internal tasks.


Review Mode

Enable and customise your internal review process.

You can find more detailed information on configuring your Review Mode settings by clicking here.


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