Introduction to File Exports
The File Export function in OpenApply allows you to export files, and to export forms to PDF, in bulk.
File Exports will be sent to the user that exported them via email, with a link to download the files. This can take 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the export file size.
Exporting Files via Settings > Import and Export
Navigate to Settings > Import & Export > File Export, to export files from OpenApply. You can choose to:
- Export by Status
- Export by Programme
- Whether or not to include Archived Students in the export
- Click All or None to easily select or deselect all statuses or programmes
- Once you have selected the status and programme, click Select Students to proceed to Selecting Files to Export (see below)
Exporting Files via the Applicants roster
You can also export files for a filtered list of applicants directly via the Enquiries, Applicants or Students roster. This can be done by taking the following steps:
- Click the Filter to filter for whichever groups of applicants you require. For example, you can filter by grade, status, gender or custom fields
- Click to select some or all of the students
- Click Export, then select New File Export or one of your file export templates
You can then proceed to the export page, to select the files and export them for the selected students.
Selecting Files to Export
There are several options when exporting files:
1. If you are creating an export template, for common file exports that you may wish to run, you can name Export Template
2. You can see a summary of the number of students you have selected to export files for, as a reminder, to help ensure you have selected the desired students
3. Select which Files you would like to include in the export. You can choose to export All photos and files or Select Files, to export specific files, such as:
Students photos
Parents photos
Checklist items (Document submission)
Files in forms
File upload fields
Other attachments
4. Select which Checklist Items you would like to export. Form type checklist items are shown, to allow you to export those forms to PDF.
5. Click to Edit or Delete File Export Templates
6. Click Create Template, to save your export as a template, for future use
7. Enter a name for the Zip Folder, which will contain all of your exported files
8. Choose how you would like the Student Folders to be named. This is only applicable if Organise files into separate student folders is selected. You can also choose the Individual File Name for each file. For the Student Folder Name and Individual File Name, you can click to Insert Legend, to customise the folder and file names, based on merge values, such as Student Name or Student ID.
Once you have selected the relevant options, scroll to the bottom, and click Export Files to generate your export. You will receive an e-mail with a link to download the export file within 15 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of the export file. Or navigate to Settings > Import & Export > Export to find your export under Recent Exports, once the export has completed. Any special characters in file names will be converted to '_'.