Applicant Profile & Forms

  • Adding a New Inquiry or Applicant

    Adding a New Inquiry To add a new inquiry, click on the Inquiries tab on the lefthand panel. Click + Add New then click Add Inquiry Complet...

  • Applicant Profile Overview

    Search for a Student Search for a student via the search bar at the top of the screen. Or click on any student name on the roster to review...

  • Editing an Application

    Editing Application Information Navigate to a student profile and click on the pencil icon in the top right to edit the applicant. Aft...

  • Exporting Forms to PDF

    To export an application form to PDF, navigate to the applicant profile, click on the 'Three Vertical Dot' icon next to the applicant’s name...

  • What to do when 'Email has already been taken'

    Schools sometimes receive the message 'Email has already been taken' when updating a parent's email in the Applicant Profile. This is due to...