Applicant Profile & Forms
Adding a New Inquiry or Applicant
Adding a New Inquiry To add a new inquiry, click on the Inquiries tab on the lefthand panel. Click + Add New then click Add Inquiry Complet...
Applicant Profile Overview
Search for a Student Search for a student via the search bar at the top of the screen. Or click on any student name on the roster to review...
Editing an Application
Editing Application Information Navigate to a student profile and click on the pencil icon in the top right to edit the applicant. Aft...
Exporting Forms to PDF
To export an application form to PDF, navigate to the applicant profile, click on the 'Three Vertical Dot' icon next to the applicant’s name...
What to do when 'Email has already been taken'
Schools sometimes receive the message 'Email has already been taken' when updating a parent's email in the Applicant Profile. This is due to...