Enabling WeChat Login (Parent)

Tom Kirby
Tom Kirby
  • Updated

Enabling WeChat login will allow you to link WeChat accounts to OpenApply and securely sign in directly from WeChat.


For Prospective Families

Submitting the application or inquiry form, scheduling a tour, or registering for an OpenDay will prompt a WeChat QR code to appear. Scan the QR code and authorise with your personal WeChat account to enable WeChat login.


For Current Families

Families who already have an OpenApply account can enable WeChat login via the Sign In page or parent account.

1. Enable WeChat login through the Sign In page:

Navigate to the parent sign in page and click on Sign In with WeChat.


Scan the QR code and authorize with your personal WeChat account.


Enter your email address and password and click on Link WeChat account.


2. Enable WeChat login through parent account

If you have not linked your WeChat account with your OpenApply account, you will see a WeChat QR code on the parent dashboard the first time you log in.


You can also access the QR code any time via Account Settings. Click on your name in the top right of your parent account.


Under WeChat login, scan the QR code and authorise with your personal WeChat account to link your WeChat.


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