Enabling Re-enrolment
Navigate to Settings > Admissions > Re-Enrolment, to enable re-enrolment and set a fixed deadline date, which will allow parents to confirm or decline re-enrolment for the following academic year.
Parents cannot re-enrol after the set deadline has passed. However, you can always update this date via Settings, if you wish to extend it.
All students who are not in the top grade and are marked with the status Enrolled will be eligible for re-enrolment. If a student's parents are unable to confirm enrolment from their end, you can manually confirm their status as Enrolled via the applicant's profile. It is important to make sure the student is enrolled in the correct grade in order for them to be correctly re-enrolled to the next available academic year.
N.B. Re-enrolment does not automatically move children up to the next grade. Transitioning years allows you to graduate your top grade, withdraw students who are leaving, and move returning students up to the next grade. Please visit the following tutorial for more information regarding this:
Customise Re-enrolment Notification E-mails
Navigate to Settings > Admissions > Status & Notification.
Customise all of the re-enrolment notification emails to be sent to families. Mail-merge values can be used to further personalise the notification and confirmation emails.
- Initial Reminder Sent to all families available for re-enrolment (Not Sent status)
- Pending Reminder Sent to families that have not taken any action yet
- Undecided Reminder Sent to families that have selected undecided because they are waiting for additional external information before making a decision
- Re-Enrolment Confirmation Sent to families that confirmed intent to re-enrol
The re-enrolment URL allows the parent to log directly into their account via a unique link, without the need to enter a password.
It is possible to send re-enrolment notification emails to individual students. To do so, please navigate to the Re-enrollment dashboard, and click Filter at the top right. There, you can filter by student name, grade or tag. The system will confirm that you want to send the notification to the accounts that you filtered for. For more information visit the following tutorial:
Sending Re-Enrolment Email Notifications
Customising your Re-enrolment Forms
Enable re-enrolment forms via Settings > Forms.
Customise the forms according to the information you would like the system to register.
The Re-Enrolment Form must be enabled to run re-enrolment. The other two forms are optional, and if not enabled, the parent can select their desired re-enrolment option and will not be asked to provide any additional information.
Some examples include:
- Re-Enrolment Form Ask additional information needed for the coming academic year, confirm contact information, etc.
- Re-Enrolment Form (Undecided Status) When will parent make decision, what is the major factor impacting their decision, etc.
- Re-Enrolment Form (Declined Status) Where will the child study next year, what did they like/dislike about the school, etc.
Click on the appropriate re-enrolment form to add edits, or send your existing re-enrolment forms to support@openapply.com. Our team will be happy to update them for you.
Note that fields, e.g. First Name, Last Name, Home Phone, etc. will be pre-populated for the families based on the information that already exists in OpenApply. This allows families to easily check and update their contact data and other credentials through the re-enrolment form.
Once parents have confirmed Re-Enrolment, they will be asked to choose whether they want to re-enrol each of their children. Parents can choose from the following options:
- Yes Parent is confirming re-enrolment, and must complete the Re-Enrolment Form
- No Parent is declining re-enrolment, and will complete the Re-Enrolment Form (Declined Status) if enabled
- Undecided Parent is uncertain about re-enrolment, and will complete the Re-Enrolment Form (Undecided Status) if enabled