Selecting Statuses to Sync
Please note
You can override the 'Sync by status' settings by syncing an individual student record. Students can be synced individually in any status. Syncing a student to Powerschool does not change their Powerschool status; only data about the student is updated. For example, if a returning student has been admitted in OpenApply and they were previously archived in Powerschool, their data will be updated, but they will not be automatically reactivated in Powerschool.
In batch syncs, OpenApply allows you to limit which statuses can be synced to PowerSchool, based on status and status level. This status list is dynamic and will include all sub-statuses that your school has created.
To configure this, navigate to Settings > Integrations> PowerSchool, and select the statuses that you would like to be able to sync.
You can select students to sync, review all data in the batch and only sync when you are ready, when you choose to push the data to PowerSchool. Students with a status other than the allowed statuses will be filtered out.
Selecting a batch of Students to Sync
You can choose to push the data to PowerSchool, via Students (or Applicants roster) > Export > Push to PowerSchool.
You can then review the students included in the sync and confirm the contents of the sync batch.
Review and edit the data, if necessary, for each student before syncing to PowerSchool.
Review, Edit, and Sync Data for an Individual Student
From the Student Profile, you can see the last time the student was synced to PowerSchool and access the student’s sync data.
You can review and edit all of the student’s sync data and sync the student individually.
Review Sync Logs
Once you have synced a student to PowerSchool, navigate to the PowerSchool sync page for that student, then click PowerSchool Logs in the top-left.
You can review the sync logs to see the responses that OpenApply received from the PowerSchool Server. This helps you to see what data synced (the 'Payload'), and to review any errors in the 'Response' column that may have prevented a student from syncing.
Code 200 indicates that the data synced successfully.