Parents that are enabled to receive email notifications automatically receive confirmation emails when an event is scheduled.
These emails can be customised at Settings > Admissions > Status & Notification.
There are three main types of events, with different confirmation emails, depending on the type of event:
Tour/Virtual Tour Confirmation - This is sent automatically to parents who schedule the tour themselves, or if admin schedules the tour via the applicant profile. If admin schedules the tour via the Schedule a Tour button on the admin dashboard, they can choose whether or not to notify the parents.
Interview/Virtual Interview Confirmation - This is sent to parents if admin selects 'Confirm Interview Date with Applicant & Family via email' when scheduling the tour via the applicant profile.
Open Day/Virtual Open Day Confirmation - This is sent automatically to parents who register for an Open Day themselves. If admin registers the parent for the open day via the Register for Open Day button on the admin dashboard, they can choose whether or not to notify the parents.
In addition to the automatic confirmation emails, it is possible to customise:
Tour/Virtual Tour Reschedule - This is sent automatically to parents when admin reschedules the tour via the applicant profile.
Tour/Virtual Tour Cancellation - This is sent automatically to parents when admin cancels the tour via the applicant profile or admin dashboard calendar.
Open Day/Virtual Open Day Reschedule - This is sent automatically to parents when admin reschedules the open day via the applicant profile.
Open Day/Virtual Open Day Cancellation - This is sent automatically to parents when admin cancels the open day registration via the applicant profile or admin dashboard calendar.
Tour/Virtual Tour Confirmation
1. The Tour Confirmation email can be customised.
By default, it includes {{datetime}} and {{campus}} which will show the parent the time and location for the tour.
It also includes {{host}}, so that the parent know which host is giving the tour.
2. Click Insert Legend, or click on the Legend of Values on the right to further personalise the email.
3. The subject of the email can be edited, if you may prefer to call tours 'visits', for example, or to insert a legend into the subject.
4. A Tour Note can also be added, which allows admin to include a personal note to the parents when scheduling the tour.
Interview/Virtual Interview Confirmation
1. The Interview Confirmation email can be customised.
By default, it includes {{interview_datetime}} and {{campus}} which will show the parent the time and location for the interview.
It also includes {{host}}, so that the parent know which host is taking the interview.
2. Click Insert Legend, or click on the Legend of Values on the right to further personalise the e-mail.
3. The subject of the email can be edited, if you may prefer to call interviews 'meetings', for example, or to insert a legend into the subject.
4. The Interview Note is also included, which allows admin to include a personal note to the parents when scheduling the interview.
Open Day/Virtual Open Day Confirmation
1. The Open Day Confirmation email can be customised.
By default, it includes {{datetime}}, {{openday_start_at}}, {{openday_ended_at}}, {{campus}} and {{campus_address}} which will show the parent the time and location for the Open Day.
2. Click Insert Legend, or click on the Legend of Values on the right to further personalise the e-mail.
3. The subject of the email can be edited, if you may prefer to call the event an Open House or Open Day, for example, or to insert a legend into the subject.