OpenApply has an integration with Google Analytics 4. You can navigate to Settings > Integrations > Google Analytics, check the box for 'Enable Google Analytics and GTM', enter the 'Google Analytics 4 Measurement ID', and Save Changes,
We also have advice on this here.
This allows you to add the GA4 IDs into the back end of OpenApply, which will integrate the two systems. So this means that if a visitor clicks a link or Google ad, which takes them through to your OpenApply site, then this can be tracked through your Google Analytics.
Google Analytics Form Submission
To make it easier to track form submissions via Google analytics, the following UTM parameters would be at the end of the URL after submitting the form:
?enquiry_success=true for enquiry submission
?application_success for application submission
For example, when submitting your application form on your OpenApply homepage, after the parent submits, they would be taken to a link such as the following (the number is the unique OpenApply ID of the student):
So this can help you track successful form submissions in Google Analytics, when the application form is submitted directly on OpenApply.
Using Google Tags and Events with Google Analytics 4
It is also possible to use the page view tag for ?enquiry_success=true and also the form_submit event so that the Google Tags or event would trigger the GA4 analytics. The screenshots below show an example of how the page view tag for ?enquiry_success=true, can be configured in Google Analytics, for reference.
Embedded Form Redirect
OpenApply has a feature to allow you to redirect to a specific URL upon submission of an embedded form. In order to enable this function, you can navigate to Settings > Forms > Enquiry Form (you can also do the same for the application form and event form).
Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Redirect to a different page upon submission of an embedded form', then enter the URL that you want to redirect the user to.
This way, you can redirect the parents to a dedicated Thank You / confirmation page on your main school website, upon submission of the form, which you can then track directly on your website, through your Google Analytics.