Before the OpenApply > iSAMS integration can be enabled for your school, a data quality check and review of your grade setup on iSAMS and OpenApply are required. This ensures key data and settings between the accounts are already matching so that the systems can link smoothly. Please note that the full data check and sync enablement process can take 4-6 weeks depending on the quality of your data.
The following process must be followed.
- Export Student Records from iSAMS with key fields to an excel spreadsheet
- Send excel spreadsheet and record of your iSAMS grade setup to OpenApply Support Team
- OpenApply Support Team will compare the iSAMS and OpenApply datasets and grade information to ensure duplicate Students are not created when the integration is turned on.
- OpenApply Support Team will feedback any concerns to the School.
- Once all concerns have been resolved, OpenApply Support Team will enable the integration.
Configure iSAMS School Code Settings
All schools must ensure the iSAMS School Code is unique. We recommend the School Code is automatically generated before enabling the integration.
- Navigate to Student Manager > Configuration > General Options > Enable the option Require a Unique School Code
- Enable Automatic School Code and fill in the other options
Exporting Student Information from iSAMS
To ensure a smooth data check, please ensure that all current pupils in iSAMS have Student Codes prior to exporting.
- Navigate to Pupil Manager
- Search for all Pupils
- Change page size to All
- Select all pupils
- Go to the Selected Pupils dropdown list and select the option Export Pupils Records
- Select Create new export
- Click Next
Field Selection
Please make sure the following fields have been included for the Export. Only students who have a unique School Code field in iSAMS will be considered for the integration.
Core Data Fields
- Date of Birth
- Forename (Firstname)
- Preferred Name
- Middle Names
- Surname
- Gender
Current Fields
- School Code
- Year Group (NC)
Contact Fields
- Primary Contact Forename
- Primary Contact Surname
- Secondary Contact Forename
- Secondary Contact Surname
- Primary Contact Title
- Secondary Contact Title
- Primary Contact Email Address
- Secondary Contact Email Address
- Country
- Relation Type
- Address Type
Census Fields
- Nationality
- Language
Saving and Exporting an Integrations Data Set
- Make sure Export to Microsoft Excel is selected
- Optional: Save the Export Report to be used quickly again if concerns are raised by OpenApply Support Team.
- Click Create Export
Providing iSAMS Grade Setup
1. Navigate to School Management > School Manager > Years (or Grades)
2. Take a screenshot of the Year Name (Year Code) column or copy this information to provide to OpenApply.
Contact OpenApply Support
- Download and Save the iSAMS Integrations Dataset.
- Email with the following template and include the Excel Spreadsheet and Grade Setup as attachments
Email Subject: Data for iSAMS Integration
Dear OpenApply Support Team,
We would like to start the iSAMS Integrations Setup process. Attached is our iSAMS Integrations Dataset and Grade Setup information. Please can this be used and compared to our Students within OpenApply?
Kind regards,
Next Steps
- OpenApply will review your dataset and grade setup and provide feedback on any data clean up or grade mapping that is required.
- Once all concerns have been resolved, OpenApply will instruct you to obtain your API keys from iSAMS and enable the integration. An email will be sent to key contacts at your school confirming that it has been enabled.