IDAT - International Diagnostic and Admissions Test

Yun Qiao
Yun Qiao
  • Updated

The International Diagnostic and Admissions Test (IDAT) is revolutionising schools' admissions and diagnostic testing for students. It is designed specifically for international schools to select students which fit within their schools, and for schools to know what students already know, who they are and how to best meet their learning needs.

The IDAT has 6 Stages based upon age, which test English and ESL, Mathematics, Logic, and a general knowledge component for which students can study and prepare for.  In addition to this, there is a character portrait of the student, showing their priorities when it comes to principles, values and self-determination and independence.  Not only can a school get a benchmark of where the student is at compared to global curricula, but they can also get to know the student by watching the video interview conducted with state-of-the-art avatar technology.  Each student is interviewed and recorded talking to a digital avatar that ‘gets to know’ the student.

The OpenApply - IDAT integration allows parents to register and pay for IDAT assessments directly from within their OpenApply account. As part of the registration process, the applicant will choose a date, time and venue for the assessment. Once the exam is complete, parents can access the exam results via OpenApply. The school will receive the results directly from IDAT.

Contact sales@openapply to learn more about IDAT, or to have the IDAT integration enabled for your school.

Adding IDAT to the Checklist

Once the OpenApply - IDAT integration has been enabled for your school, it is necessary to add an IDAT checklist item, so that parents can schedule their IDAT assessment directly from within their OpenApply account, via their checklist.

Navigate to Settings > Admissions > Checklist

Click Add Checklist Item


Type a Requirement, choose the Applicable Statuses and choose IDAT Assessment for the Requirement Type

Click Save Changes

Click here for further advice on Configuring your Checklist


Parent IDAT Assessment Registration Process

Once the IDAT Assessment has been added to the checklist, parents will see the IDAT Assessment item on their checklist, and can click on that checklist item to register directly for a specific date and location for the IDAT Assessment.


The parent must then enter the necessary student and parent details to register for the IDAT Assessment.

Some of the data will be pre-populated with the existing student and parent data.


Next, the parent is taken to the IDAT registration page, which is processed directly by IDAT.


The parent can choose the test centre, where the test will be taking place. Test centres are available in many locations.

They can then select from the available dates and times at that test centre.


Parents can then review and confirm the assessment details, before paying for the assessment.


The assessment payment is processed directly by OpenApply on behalf of IDAT, there is no need for the school to configure online payments.

Once the assessment is scheduled, the parent can view their assessment details via their checklist.


After the assessment has been completed and graded, the Exam Score can be viewed by the parent via their checklist.

The school will receive the assessment results directly from IDAT.


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