Enabling Payments on a Form

Mandy Tung
Mandy Tung
  • Updated

Application & Supplementary Fees

To enable payments on a form, navigate to Settings > Forms and then click on the Title of the form. Click Yes to enable payment for the form and then enter the default fee for this form. Payment settings must first be configured at Settings > Payments to enable payments on a form.

Before final form submission, the family can indicate the payment method that will be used to pay the fee. If credit card payments are enabled, the applicant can enter credit card details, which will automatically be processed once Submit Application is clicked.

Each fee must be attached to a form, e.g. if there are supplementary fees for Health or Bus Services, then it is necessary to enable the fee on that supplementary form. This will create a supplementary fee, which the parent must pay when submitting that supplementary form.


Enrolment Fee

On Application type forms, an Enrolment fee can be enabled. Click Yes for Enable Enrolment Fee on the form and then enter the enrolment fee amount. It is necessary to enable the Enrolment Fee on the Enrolment form itself.

Once the enrolment fee and the Admitted status notification are enabled, the parent can automatically enrol their child after the status has been changed to Admitted by submitting the enrolment form and paying the enrolment fee. The enrolment form will contain the same fields as the re-enrolment form, but the enrolment fee is defined on the application form.


Re-Enrolment Fee

On the re-enrolment form, a re-enrolment fee can be enabled. Click Yes for Enable Payment on the re-enrolment form and then enter the re-enrolment fee amount.

Once the re-enrolment fee is enabled, the parent can automatically re-enrol their child during the re-enrolment period, by submitting the re-enrolment form and paying the re-enrolment fee.


Automatically Send Invoices

Via Settings > Admissions > Status & Notification, you can choose to have the invoice automatically sent to the family via email, by checking the box under Payment Notification. Once a form is submitted, the invoice will be automatically sent via email.



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